There is snow on the ground

It is 2am and I just want to be outside and walk around and see the snow that has fallen. To look at it hanging on the trees. To just walk around and be in awe of the beauty of it. Before the sun comes out.

Before the rain comes on Sunday.

Before the temp. goes up to the upper 30’s on Saturday and upper 40’s on Sunday

I took a number of pictures  when I got home from work tonight but haven’t figured out how to add them. It was 1:15 in the morning and I pulled into the parking lot and I just wanted to walk around. I wanted to walk home from work and just look at the trees and see the snow. To see the moon light fall between the trees, between the branches.

Then of-course my mind moved to Supergirl.

Is she happy?

Is she healthy?

Is she having fun in the snow?

Has she been able to play in the snow?


Then because of Mother Nature and having to work, I haven’t been home. I have been at my Grandmothers while she is out of town. So why am I mentioning this you maybe wondering?


All of Supergirls presents are at my apartment. Waiting to be wrapped and mailed to her so that she will open them on Christmas and have some fun. And because of Mother Nature, she will not have her presents. She will have nothing to open from me.

That hurts.

That occurred to me tonight and then I had tears.


All of this in one night.

I was sitting at work tonight and I looked at one of my coworkers and I wanted to tell her about Supergirl. I wanted to talk to her and let her know who Supergirl is and who I am. She is a fostermom to her nephews. I just looked at her and almost called her name. She wasn’t looking at me so she never knew I was going to say anything to her.

Opportunity lost

I was getting ready to go outside and clean my car off and get it started to come home. I walked out the door to find one of my coworkers clearing the snow from my car. 🙂 🙂

Once again I had tears in my eyes.