
yeap, here it is.. time to confess some things.


I watch the Olympics.  Not so bad.  I cry when, during the medal ceremony, it doesn’t matter what country is on the podium with gold I cry.  Just to look at their faces in wonder at the moment.  Of course it helps when some of them are just too cute! 😉

I yell at the tv!  Friends can atest to this.  They have heard me while we are on the phone and I am yelling at a stupid move or comment.

I have yet to finish the final Harry Potter book. -hides head-  I am stuck in the woods. I admit it.  However, since I have a bad habit, I have read the last chapter.  Why I do this I don’t know.  I do it will all books.

I have called Biker boy.  Not once.  Not twice.  But atleast 3 times.


I won’t write about the Pregnancy Pact that appears to be nothing.  Nothing in the sense that I have nothing new to say about it.  Others have done a much better job of it then I could so I will leave it to them.

I am not far from it.

It is only about 30 minutes away from me.  The principal is going back and forth.  The Time writer apparently didn’t speak to any of the pregnant teens and just took the word of fellow high school students.

I won’t write about the Neil Entwhistle case.

He is guilty.

His parents are idiots for trying to blame their now dead daughter in law of murdering their grandchild then killing herself and he was trying to protect her reputation.  I can see how he was protecting her and being a loving husband and father by putting a gun to the torso of his child and pulling the trigger then shooting his wife in the head.  So loving in fact that he didn’t call 911.  So loving that he went to the airport and flew home to England and didn’t tell anyone.

Yeah real love there.


I don’t know.  I have been in a mood lately.  I have alot of anger.

But my secret wasn’t over with just yet.  I have more pictures coming my way from M.  Cannot wait for them.

All My Children

I have watched soap operas/day time television for years.  I have grown up with Ryan’s Hope before it became Loving.  All My Children, One Life To Live and General Hospital.  I have grown up with Erica Kane and all of her marriages, affairs, jobs and divorces.  Adam Chandler and Palmer Cortland.  and the famous Luke and Laura wedding.

Then there is the saga of Tad and Dixie from AMC.  A number of years ago Dixie left, she was pregnant.  There was an accident.  There was the evil doctor who convinced her that she wouldn’t live and so see signed away her rights to parent her child.  The child, Kate/Kathy, then was adopted illegally (no surprise there).

Fast forward.

Kate/Kathy is back in Pine Valley being raised by her Aunt Julia as her parents passed away last year from an accident.  Tad and Kathy connected from day one.  They got along great and had a great time together.  Dixie is now dead, Tad is looking for his Kate.  There is a shooting and now Tad is injured and Julia is dead.

Long story short.  Tad just recently found out that Kathy is his Kate.  He wondered how he was going to tell her that he is her Dad.  His adoptive father, Joe, told him the words would come to him.  Another long story there.  But for those who know the show know the story.

He did it.  I was in tears.  It was done great.  I had to call my friend Coley and let her know and told her to have a tissue with her.

Interested in seeing how this continues.  So I will continue to watch the saga that goes on in Pine Valley, PA.

My job

There are many days when I love my job.  I do.  I may vent that they are getting on my case that my numbers are low or not as high as they normally are but then again I am also second in command so I have to help G answer questions as the night goes on, enter my runs and correct QC (quality control) for the newbies and the random QC I have to do for the others.  Oh, and take incoming phone calls. No pressure.  (smirk)

Any way — there are really interesting days.  My job is different.  I don’t know of anyone who does ambulance medical billing.  Basically, you call 911 and there is a good chance I could get it at work.  We do over 200 towns in 6 states.  I also help with the new towns and work out kinks and pass them on to others.

Then there are the nights were I am in tears because a parent thought it was a good thing to co-sleep with a child and while asleep, rolled over on top of said infant.  Parents wakes up.  Realizes what happened.  Calls 911 and I see “officer running out of house with limp infant in arms.  Blue around lips, no pulse.”  I cry.  So I really just want to scream when I read on the forums about aparents who think it such a great idea to do this as they seem to think this is a way to bond.  gag.  double gag.

Then there are the nights when I see alot of  Supergirl’s name.  A good number of nights I can deal and it won’t be a problem but she has a common name. There is nothing special about her name.  It is always there.  Tonight it jolted me.

Then the nights were I get a minor who is pregnant and is in labor.  And come to find out this isn’t the first.

I think the worst part of the job is that when I watch the news, and my coworkers do this as well, we see where the accident or incident happened to see if we are getting the run at work.  Gives new meaning to watching the television now.

Then listing to the stupid morons talk about nothing that they know about but want to sound important when they sound like the idiots they are and give us a reason to laugh.

I really like weekends.

I really like holidays.


I am back.

It was nice to just get out of town and escape from everything.  No computer.  No phone.  There was just me. I read, walked, watched the sunset and took pictures.  Slowly made my way South and stopped at another lighthouse and just sat and watched the ocean hit the rocks.  I watched people sunbathing in 50+ degree weather (don’t you just love New England in the Spring).

I did alittle shopping.  Some writing.  Some reading.  Watching tv (got some lessons on my French since some of the channels were from Canada and were French Canadian)  imagine watching Hereos in French?  Interesting indeed.


I am to have a visit in a week and a day.  Here is the thing.  While I was excited about ALL my other visits this one is making me feel — bleh.

I am not liking that feeling.  I think right now that I am feeling “I will believe it when it happens and not before then.”  I told E about the upcoming visit and she still thinks that we should go to mediation.  However, I am a chicken shit.  I hate confrontation.  I really don’t like it at all.

I grew up with fights and abuse.  So much so that I don’t make up my mind.  I have a really hard time with it.  I would rather the decision be made for me and not have to make one for myself.  So I have been avoiding mediation with everything that is in me.  I am afraid on how it will turn out.

I mean really, it really cannot get worse then it all ready is.  I haven’t seen Supergirl since December 06 and haven’t gotten any new pictures since January.  The worse it can get is all contact stops.